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2015-2016 WRSD Budget Update

On May 28, 2015, the Government of Alberta announced a revised Education Budget that:

  • provided funding to address expected enrolment growth

  • restored funding reduced in the previous budget, and,

  • removed guidelines that restricted the use of reserves and protected front-line teaching positions.

The reinstatement of these funds and removal of restrictions were welcome news and the Division is pleased that the new government followed through on its promise to revisit the Education Budget.

As a result of these changes, Wild Rose School Division administration will present a revised 2015-2016 WRSD Budget to Trustees at the June 16, 2015, Board Meeting.  This budget will recommend changes in the following areas:

  • increased funding to enhance supports for more vulnerable students

  • increased funding to address classroom staffing issues

  • increased funding for school maintenance  

When considering the overall impact of the most recent Education Budget on WRSD, it is important to keep in mind the following:

  • much of the restored funding comes through fixed grants and therefore must be put toward specific areas (e.g., transportation, maintenance, PUF, Inclusive Education, English Language Learners, etc.);

  • the Division needed to make significant reductions to reach a balanced budget state prior to the initial budget

  • the new budget figures include a projected increase in student numbers that is far from certain given the unknown impact of the recent economic downturn

Given the high degree of uncertainty that still surrounds the budget,

  • approximately 60% of the restored funding will be allocated at this time

  • forty per cent  of the restored funding will be retained until student numbers are confirmed on September 30, 2015, after which remaining funds will be utilized to address emergent issues

  • the Secretary Treasurer will maintain a list documenting issues to be addressed in the fall.

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