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French Immersion

French Immersion

École Rocky Elementary School and Pioneer Middle School offer French Immersion programs as an option for the parents and students in the community and surrounding area of Rocky Mountain House. In the Drayton Valley area Aurora Elementary School offers a 60 minutes per week French option for all grades.

French immersion is a successful approach to second language learning. It allows students to become fluent in French while achieving the objectives of the regular school program. During the school day, French is the language used, except in English Language Arts. This program is designed for students whose first language is not French. The objective is full mastery of the English language, functional fluency in French, as well as an understanding and appreciation of the French culture.

Frequently Asked Questions

Information on French Immersion can be found on Alberta Education here that answers frequently asked questions such as:

  • What is immersion?
  • How can I help my child if I don’t speak French?
  • Will my child’s English suffer?
  • Should my child remain in French immersion in junior and senior high school?

French Immersion Parent Community

Wild Rose School Division is lucky to have a supportive parent community who work with our teachers, schools and division. “Canadian Parents for French” (CPF) is the national network of volunteers which values French as an integral part of Canada. They are dedicated to the promotion and creation of French second language learning opportunities for young Canadians. A wealth of information may be found on the web sites of the Alberta branch and the national organization of CPF