Becky Janishewski Nominated for Edwin Parr Teacher Award

WRSD is proud to announce that Becky Janishewski has been selected by our Board of Trustees for the Zone 4 Edwin Parr Award for beginning teachers. Miss Janishewski is currently teaching at Breton High School and taught at Frank Maddock High School for semester one.
Miss Janishewski was chosen by the Board of Trustees because of her outstanding abilities in the areas of engagement, preparation, classroom management, passion for teaching, ability to connect with students and involvement in school activities. During her time in WRSD, she has taught welding, other CTS courses, physical education and worked with the WRSD FLEX team.
“While working with Becky one immediately recognizes the pride she has to be working in our profession,“ said Breton high School Principal, Lara Jollymore. “‘Ms. J,’ as students affectionately call her, has an amazing rapport with our students. It takes a certain type of teacher to be able to draw students to come to school on their days off to help a teacher clean a shop, which is something that happened in our school this January. Students recognize the passion that Miss Janishewski has for providing them with engaging and fun projects that are relevant to their lives. The empathy she has for all students, whether they are registered in one of her classes or not is always on display.”
Anyone meeting Miss Janishewski will instantly recognize her passion and dedication to teaching. It is clear Miss Janishewski recognizes the importance of students and takes pride in who they are and what they do within the classroom. The learning she provides today is helping shape future citizens in Alberta. Her classroom environment prepares students for their futures via exciting hands-on approaches, in a laughter-filled environment with relationships that allow all students to feel welcomed, respected and appreciated.
The Edwin Parr Award is presented to first-year teachers in Alberta who show outstanding work. Since being first created in 1964 it has always been known as an award that represents quality teaching and outstanding work. Having Miss Janishewski represent WRSD this year continues the long tradition of fine teachers who have represented WRSD at the Zone level. Last years WRSD representative and Zone Four winner, Matt Nielsen was one of six first-year teachers who won this provincial award.